Oxford Conclave 2017

Managing Student Risks on Today’s Campus: Priorities for Presidents

Few issues are more important – or more challenging – for college and university presidents than those involving the safety and well-being of students.  Presidents must effectively address risks ranging from campus security and substance abuse, to Title IX compliance and mental health crises.  In today’s climate of hyper-accountability and heightened risk awareness, close collaboration between presidents and student affairs leaders is more important than ever.  The 2017 Oxford Conclave focused on leadership strategies for preventing, managing and responding to these complex issues, with delegates sharing institutional best practices and personal lessons learned.

Each president invited a senior student affairs executive to participate in this program, which included breakouts for presidents, student affairs leaders, and presidents’ spouses, as well as joint sessions involving all delegates.  Spouses of student affairs leaders were invited and encouraged to participate in all meals and Oxford excursions, including Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral, High Tea at the Randolph Hotel, and visits to museums and historic sites.

Discussion topics included:

  • Alcohol and drug abuse policies and programs
  • Off-campus risk management
  • Student conduct policies, including issues in Greek life
  • Crisis response practices and training
  • Student-led prevention initiatives
  • Residence life programs
  • Mental health models, including suicide prevention
  • Title IX programming and staffing

The Conclave convened September 24-27, 2017, at Balliol College, Oxford University.